Learn more about
our past. our present. and our future.

The Bluffs was originally settled in 1887 by Ross's great grandfather, August Uphoff, who immigrated from Bersenbrück, Germany. Since then, the farm has been in the family for four generations. Searching for a way to carry on the family legacy, Ross purchased seven Scottish Highland cows in 2012. Since then, he and his wife Ashley have both expanded the fold and added sheep, pigs, chickens, and turkeys to the pastures of The Bluffs.

We are Ross and Ashley, and we are farmers dedicated to changing the way you see your food.​Let us show you how the simple act of sourcing your meat from farms like us can change everything: your health, animal welfare standards, your community, and the environment.

How can the small act of buying meat from local farms have the
potential to create such a profound impact?

Our cows do the work. Thanks to sunshine, fresh air, a natural diet, and room to roam, they turn hard-to-digest plant matter into one of the most nutrient-dense foods. Our beef contains highly-digestible protein, saturated fats, cholesterol, more than 11 essential vitamins, and more than 13 essential minerals. Animal foods, especially those raised on a natural diet, produce the most nourishing and nutritious food available.

The current agricultural system revolves around profit maximization: getting animals fat as quickly as possible, all while doing it as cheaply as possible. Farming should be more than this. At The Bluffs, we know our animals deserve a better life. Our calves are born on pasture, our pigs are able to root and wallow, and our chickens enjoy natural sunlight and fresh air. Our animals know nothing of cement floors and artificial lighting, because we are a farm, not an industry.
When you buy from us or other small, family-run, local farms, much of your money stays in your community. You are supporting your farmers, your friends, your neighbors, your local economy. You are supporting the idea that your farmers deserve a living wage for the work they do and the food they grow. You can help revitalize our rural and suburban communities by supporting local businesses and farmers.

Two-thirds of the land in the US is farmland. How farmers manage this land matters. Modern agricultural practices are devastating to our environment. That's why we don't just raise happy and healthy animals. We also aim for healthy soils and a robust, diverse ecosystem. Using management practices like rotational grazing, no-tillage cropping, increasing our pastureland, and utilizing cover crops helps improve the health of our farm and environment.

It's time to meet the animals of The Bluffs. Let's call them
Team Regenerative Ag.

The farm's most iconic animal, our Scottish Highland cattle were introduced to our pastures in 2012. They've proven to be the perfect breed: hardy, excellent foragers, great mothers, and they produce excellent meat! Known in Scotland as "heilan coos," ours are 100% grass-fed.

In 2020, we made the switch from Suffolk sheep to Iceland sheep. Smaller but hardier, we are hopeful for a breed that is more independent on pasture and during lambing season. The Icelandic sheep not only offer delicious meat and quality wool, but good foraging traits that we value at The Bluffs.

Known as a heritage breed, our Gloucestershire Old Spots (GOS) pigs have robust genetics making them ideal on pasture. They are slower growing, but forage well, are naturally resistant to parasite and diseases, and farrow (have their piglets) right on pasture.

Our egg-laying chickens are free-range and our broilers (meat chickens) are rotated on pasture; both are supplemented with soy-free feed. Our broilers are the slower growing Red Rangers, which are healthier and tastier than the more common Cornish Cross chickens. Our turkeys are also rotated on pasture with soy-free feed.
What's in store for The Bluffs? We have a unique vision
for the farm, and that vision includes you!

Our farm should be more than a farm. It should be a community, a family. And this is what we want for our future. A membership-based, community-supported system. We want to be more than a farm that you buy your meat from. We want you to be part of The Bluffs family. A place where you create memories with your mother hand-selecting your Christmas tree, help us collect the day's chicken eggs with your toddler, or pick fall apples with your friends. So come be part of our family!